Editorial Team

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Orifjan Bazarov, Rector of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics, e-mail: qmii@qmii.uz

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Uzokov G.N.

Responsible secretary: doctor of technical sciences, professor Avlakulov M.



Abduraxmonov Q.X.- doctor of economic sciences, professor., Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Agzamov A.X. – doctor of technical sciences, professor.  Tashkent State Technical University

Avlakulov M. - doctor of technical sciences, professor.  Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics

Aliqulov  S.R.- doctor of technical sciences, professor.  Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics

Bakiyev M.R.- doctor of technical sciences, professor.  TIQXMII MTU

Zokirov A.O.- doctor of technical sciences

Zoxidov R.A.- doctor of technical sciences, professor,  Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Igamberdiyev  X.Z.- doctor of technical sciences, professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Mamatov F.M.- doctor of technical sciences, professor.  Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics

Maxmudov  I.E.- doctor of technical sciences, professor.  ISMITI

Muhammadiyev M.M.-doctor of technical sciences, professor. Tashkent State Technical University

Muhiddinov J.N- doctor of technical sciences, professor. 

Raxmatov M .I.- candidate of technical sciences, docent.  Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics

Uzoqov G‘.N.- doctor of technical sciences, professor.  Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics

Hamidov M.X.- doctor of agricultural sciences, professor.  TIQXMII MTU

Xazratov A.N. – candidate of technical sciences, docent.  Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics

Ergashev R.X.- doctor of economic sciences, professor.  Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics